
Life Happens. We’re here to help.

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Connectedness and Cyberbullying

In the past, bullies had limited access to your time and emotional energy. Harassment was confined to school halls, the street, or the office, and home was a safe haven for many. Today, a type of bullying exists that isn’t as obvious as being excluded from a lunch table or being criticized in the hallways. With the advent of technology and the Internet came the rise of cyberbullying.

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Asking Hard Questions: Suicide Prevention

“Are you thinking about suicide?” this may be the hardest question you ask a loved one. Conversations about suicide can feel awkward and difficult; it’s a heavy topic to broach. No one wants to imagine their friend or loved one is struggling, unable to see a way out, and considering ending their life. Talking about suicide may never be an easy conversation, but it can be a life-saving one.

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Hidden in Plain Sight: Bringing Visibility to Invisible Disability

Physical disabilities like paralysis, muscular dystrophy, and blindness often require living aids you probably recognize- a wheelchair, crutches, seeing-eye dog, or prosthetic limb. People living with these conditions often wear this aspect of their identity on their sleeves. At a glance, most people automatically interpret assistive devices as an indicator of disability. However, a large majority of people with impairments slip under the radar of public scrutiny.

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Mental and Physical Health: A Two-Way Street

When the COVID-19 pandemic upstaged world news and events in March 2020, the comfortable familiarity of our daily lives flipped upside-down. As Americans continue to cope with the global health crisis, the importance of physical and mental health has been thrust into the spotlight. Mental health problems have always been prevalent, with one in five Americans experiencing a mental health problem in a given year.

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Sailing Through Seasons of Life

As the seasons transition from winter to spring, many of us welcome this change from cold, dreary weather to warm sunshine with open arms. In our lives there are seasons we await with eager anticipation and others we attempt to hold back. We’ve all wished we could slow down a special moment or fast-forward through a difficult circumstance. But no matter how hard we try to resist, change is inevitable

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Student Assistance Program (SAP) & Outpatient Counseling

Maddox*, an elementary-aged student, struggled with anger outbursts, physical aggression, and difficulties with problem-solving. After spending years off-and-on in therapy seeking treatment with various providers only to remark that “none seemed to want to listen,” Maddox’s parents sought SAP services through their district. 

Today, Maddox is completing his SAP sessions and moving towards outpatient counseling. He has reduced his anger outbursts and has learned skills to help him successfully navigate challenging days.

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