
Life Happens. We’re here to help.

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The Dark Side of Staying Positive

Searching for the silver lining gives us hope for the days ahead. Sayings such as “this too shall pass” can provide comfort in the knowledge that pain doesn’t last forever. But there’s a dark aspect to solely focusing on the bright side. Despite the best intentions, turning your back on life’s storms to maintain a sunny outlook hurts your health and relationships. Slapping on a smile to avoid facing a painful reality is an avoidance mechanism that disconnects you from yourself and the world around you.

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Shining the Light on Gaslighting

Despite nearly a century of use, Merriam-Webster’s 2022 word of the year is one of the most misused. Gaslighting, a form of manipulation, is often a catchall phrase for manipulative behaviors that don’t fit the word’s actual definition. Overuse of the word obscures the true nature of this abusive tactic and makes it increasingly difficult to recognize. Its true meaning is to have your reality and experiences repeatedly challenged, which can look different and happen in various ways. We’ll cover what gaslighting is, what it looks like, common tactics, and red flags to watch so you can more easily detect this subtle form of abuse.

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Promoted Out of Your Comfort Zone? Don’t Panic

After putting in the hours, building rapport with leadership, and taking initiative on several new projects, your hard work finally pays off, and you earn a promotion. As you savor your success, proud of being recognized for your efforts, a new emotion settles in; anxiety. You wonder if you’re ready for the next step in your career. The what-ifs parade in your mind; what if you fail? What if you hate it? What if everyone thinks you’re incompetent? The excited butterflies in your stomach sink into a heavy weight of overwhelm and trepidation. The duality of triumph and self-doubt duel it out as you realize you’ll soon whisk through the succession plan, meet your new team members and peers, and set goals for the next quarter. With extra status comes extra stress. It’s normal to feel excitement and nervousness during times of transition! But you don’t need to let it hinder your career success.

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Feel Like a Fraud? How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Have you ever felt the lingering suspicion that despite your certifications, work accolades, praise, and promotions, you’ve managed to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes and pretend to be a qualified professional? Or perhaps you’re convinced your colleagues have it all together except you? Imposter syndrome is a mindset causing you to doubt your competence. It looks like chronic worrying and fear that, despite all the evidence to the contrary, you have only succeeded through pure luck or piggybacking off the success of others. Imposter syndrome thoughts can prevent you from acknowledging your success, mire you into maladaptive behaviors, and leave you feeling like a phony.

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Your Guide Through Holiday Grief

As December rings in the holiday season, traditionally a time of togetherness with family and friends, many people grapple with loss and grief. Poignant reminders can surface as an empty seat at the table, a casual exchange reflecting on the year’s achievements and regrets, or an unconscious comparison to others’ beaming social media posts. With lost traditions, income, and, for some, the profound loss of a loved one, your holiday celebrations may feel more melancholy than merry. Grief is a difficult journey, and the holidays can be rocky terrain. Acknowledging your grief and creating a strategy can make navigating through the season easier.

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The Gratitude Ripple: Science, Spirit, Social Symmetry, & Physiology in Sync!

You’ve heard about Groundhog Day, right? I’m referring to the blockbuster hit where Bill Murray lives the same day over and over again! November is a time many of us reserve for gratitude and thankfulness before rushing into the holiday scramble. But what would happen if you took the time to practice gratitude over and over again? Recent scientific research reveals gratitude’s extensive benefits to you mentally, emotionally, physically, and in building healthy relationships.

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Student Assistance Program (SAP) & Outpatient Counseling

Maddox*, an elementary-aged student, struggled with anger outbursts, physical aggression, and difficulties with problem-solving. After spending years off-and-on in therapy seeking treatment with various providers only to remark that “none seemed to want to listen,” Maddox’s parents sought SAP services through their district. 

Today, Maddox is completing his SAP sessions and moving towards outpatient counseling. He has reduced his anger outbursts and has learned skills to help him successfully navigate challenging days.

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