
Life Happens. We’re here to help.

Mastering Motivation: The Science of Staying Driven at Work

Explore the inner workings of motivation and habit formation through the lens of neuroscience in this illuminating blog. Discover how to create a feedback loop that keeps your motivation engine running at full throttle, no matter what challenges lie ahead. Uncover the secrets to mastering motivation and achieving your goals.

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Are you selfless or losing yourself? The difference between empathy and codependency

Do you find yourself pouring so much time, attention, and effort into a relationship that you lose yourself? The drive to help loved ones when they endure difficult situations is normal! Empathy is foundational to forming and maintaining healthy relationships, but it’s often mistaken for a different, dysfunctional behavior; codependence. While empathy brings connection, understanding, and positive change, codependency can leave you empty, resentful, and drained. Let’s distinguish between selflessness and losing yourself in a codependent relationship.

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What Is “Life Coaching?” What Could I Expect?

If you’ve never heard of a “life coach,” you’re not alone. Honestly, I hadn’t heard much about life coaching before becoming a certified life coach back in 2018! During the certification process, I coached and was coached by different professional coaches to gain the skills I needed. My experience was so positive and valuable, both personally and professionally, that I knew I wanted to do this work full-time – and now I get to coach on behalf of EFR!
Having worked with many clients over the last five years, the biggest questions I get from those exploring coaching are:
• How is coaching different from counseling?
• When should I work with a life coach?
• What can I expect when working with a life coach?
I’m sharing my answers and experiences to help you decide if life coaching is for you!

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Unlocking Employee Potential: Making the Workplace Supportive of Mental Health

Contrary to the common misconception, mental health is not limited to being either mentally ill or mentally well. Everyone experiences mental health on a continuum that fluctuates between wellness and illness, much like physical health. Just as unhealthy eating or lack of sleep can affect your physical well-being, your mental health is susceptible to various stressors and life events.

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Student Assistance Program (SAP) & Outpatient Counseling

Maddox*, an elementary-aged student, struggled with anger outbursts, physical aggression, and difficulties with problem-solving. After spending years off-and-on in therapy seeking treatment with various providers only to remark that “none seemed to want to listen,” Maddox’s parents sought SAP services through their district. 

Today, Maddox is completing his SAP sessions and moving towards outpatient counseling. He has reduced his anger outbursts and has learned skills to help him successfully navigate challenging days.

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