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The Dangers of Substance Abuse in the Manufacturing Industry

During the COVID-19 health crisis, there has been a resurgence in substance use and a significant increase in mental health issues. Experts agree the impact will linger long after COVID-19 has ended. The American workforce is buckling under the weight of mounting stress stemming from the pandemic.

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Walking the Tightrope: The Importance of Work-Life Balance

Managing work and home life can feel a lot like balancing on a tightrope. With personal and professional roles to juggle it’s easy to become overwhelmed and drop the ball in some areas. The concept of work-life balance is a critical one, and it’s important to recognize our work and home lives aren’t in opposition to each other.

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Self-Love: Your Most Important Relationship

It’s the time of year when Cupid releases an arsenal of arrows aimed at our hearts, enamoring us with the idea of sharing a close bond with a significant other. With so much focus on our romantic relationships, have you taken time to focus on your most important relationship- the one with yourself?

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Student Assistance Program (SAP) & Outpatient Counseling

Maddox*, an elementary-aged student, struggled with anger outbursts, physical aggression, and difficulties with problem-solving. After spending years off-and-on in therapy seeking treatment with various providers only to remark that “none seemed to want to listen,” Maddox’s parents sought SAP services through their district. 

Today, Maddox is completing his SAP sessions and moving towards outpatient counseling. He has reduced his anger outbursts and has learned skills to help him successfully navigate challenging days.

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