
Life Happens. We’re here to help.

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Finding Strength Through Support

Have you ever felt alone, confused, and like your life was spinning out of control? Have you envied friends, family members, or strangers because your observations made you believe they had nearly perfect lives? For me, these were daily thoughts and struggles I brought to my counselor and shared only with my closest friends. No matter how hard I tried, I felt like nothing was improving in my life.
As these feelings and thoughts persisted, I started sharing less with my closest friends because I felt like my struggles were becoming worrisome for them. I felt embarrassed each time I went back to my counselor with no significant progress to share. I wondered, what more could I do to improve my circumstances and, ultimately, my life? After some gentle encouragement from my counselor, which was met by initial resistance from me, I built the courage to walk into an Al-Anon meeting.

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Building Blocks to Effective Co-Parenting

Everyone has their own ideas about child-rearing. For parents who are no longer in a relationship, the transition to raising children together while separated is challenging. It requires skills like communication and flexibility, which can be difficult at the best of times. Toss in intense emotions, a seismic shift to routines, and new living arrangements, and you are working through layers of complexity. Learning to work together with your co-parent is a skill you can learn over time. With the right approach and plenty of patience, you and your co-parent can set your differences aside and create an environment where your child(ren) can thrive.

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Why Hydrate? Health Benefits of Staying Hydrated

Did you know as much as 65% of your body consists of water? Water is an essential element of life! Every cell in your body, over 37 trillion of them, requires water to function optimally. Hydration impacts a significant number of your body’s systems, which is why dehydration can cause a slew of symptoms. Consuming adequate amounts of water is a crucial component of good health and helps enhance your brain functioning and boost your energy levels among other benefits. Discover all the ways hydration helps you, how much water you should actually drink, and 10 tips to help you sneak more fluids in throughout the day!

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Accessibility at Work: Opening Doors to All Employees

Every person has unique characteristics, experiences, and backgrounds that impact how they show up in the world. Gender, ethnicity, and age are typically the first attributes that come to mind, yet the largest minority group are those with disabilities; one in four Americans identify as disabled! The disabled community is the single minority group that anyone could join at any time. A car accident could cause temporarily impaired vision, or you could contract Lyme disease and experience long-term pain and fatigue. With people coming from all walks of life, ensuring doors are open to everyone, literally and figuratively, is beneficial to all.

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How Social Media Fuels FOMO

The nagging sensation that others are having more fun, living more fulfilling lives, and enjoying better experiences than you is such a common fear that scientists coined the feeling FOMO or fear of missing out. FOMO predates social media, but it has increased dramatically since the rise of platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, where users share glamourous life accomplishments in tidy posts. The purpose of such updates is to stay connected, but, ironically enough, it causes more people than ever to feel lonely and isolated.

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Mental Health in the Workplace

Your mental health matters. It impacts your relationships with your team members, your decision-making abilities, and how you show up at work, setting the groundwork for your future and your team’s success. Knowing how to identify mental health problems, creating a psychologically safe culture where mental health is discussed openly, and understanding how to address mental health problems are essential for bringing out the best in your people.

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Student Assistance Program (SAP) & Outpatient Counseling

Maddox*, an elementary-aged student, struggled with anger outbursts, physical aggression, and difficulties with problem-solving. After spending years off-and-on in therapy seeking treatment with various providers only to remark that “none seemed to want to listen,” Maddox’s parents sought SAP services through their district. 

Today, Maddox is completing his SAP sessions and moving towards outpatient counseling. He has reduced his anger outbursts and has learned skills to help him successfully navigate challenging days.

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