Leadership and Team Development

Life Happens. We’re Here to Help.

"Our business is people and performance."

Senior leaders know the quality of leadership and management directly impacts a company’s bottom line. EFR has a successful history of helping employees and managers succeed. We’ll provide your organization’s emerging leaders with unique expertise as they work to become comfortable in their new roles and develop the skills they will need to help their teams succeed. You’ll see the return on the investment in leadership development through improved productivity and contribution to your company’s mission.

Team development enables your employees to reach department and company goals by improving results and relationships. EFR helps you understand your current team situation, as well as identify your goals and the contribution of team members to reach those goals. Our Team Development training meets the needs of both the team leader and team members within your company’s unique work environment.

Training Options

Effective Leadership and Communication
Effective Leadership and Communication 1


Managers & Supervisors


2 hours

Designed for emerging as well as experienced managers seeking continued advancement, this session offers participants an opportunity to reflect on their own leadership behavior, identify strengths and areas for growth, and learn practical communication skills they can apply in 

difficult circumstances. Come ready to learn, and build positive momentum toward your leadership development!

Course Objectives:

  1. Explore the characteristics of effective leaders
  2. Reflect on individual leadership strengths and opportunities for growth
  3. Learn communication skills that can be applied to manage difficult circumstances
  4. Identify individual goals and resources for future leadership development
Building Effective Teams


Managers & Supervisors


1.5 – 2 hours

This workshop is designed for those leading and influencing others in the workplace. Explore what makes up effective teams, what gets in the way, and the best practice models and tools that can help support teams well. 

Course Objectives:

  1. Identify characteristics of effective teams.
  2. Examine barriers to effective teams.
  3. Learn Best Practice tools/models.
  4. Understand how EFR can support you/your teams.
Employment Law for Today's Manager
Employment Law for Todays Managers


Managers & Supervisors


2 hours

This workshop is intended to raise awareness for new managers (or anyone in a supervisory role) of the employment laws governing today’s workplace. The session includes a review of best managerial practices to reduce employer liability. Using practical examples, the related issues of equal opportunity, affirmative action, whistle-blowing and reasonable accommodation will be addressed.

Course Objectives:

Participants will learn and discuss the practical implications of:

  1. Civil Rights Act (Title VII)
  2. Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)
  3. Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA)
  4. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  5. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Behavior-Based Interviewing
Behavior Based Interviewing


Managers & Supervisors


2 hours

The interview is one of the most critical steps in the hiring process. In this session, participants will learn about a standardized method of interviewing that is designed to assess how a candidate will perform on the job. The session will include an exploration of the theory behind behavior-based interviewing, as well as an opportunity to practice planning for and applying effective interview techniques.

Course Objectives:

  1. Understand the theories and practices behind behavior-based interviewing
  2. Be an effective interviewer
  3. Select the best candidate for your open positions
  4. Minimize legal exposures during the interview process
Managing Conflict
Managing Conflict


Employees & Managers


2 hours

While workplace conflict is natural and healthy, destructive conflict can easily occur when things get tough. When poorly managed, conflict can become a costly business problem that destroys employee and team performance. During this session, participants will learn effective conflict management approaches to ensure healthy engagement, respectful dialogue, and an opportunity for growth.

Course Objectives:

  1. Identify the costs of workplace conflict – how conflict impacts individual productivity, as well as the business costs to the entire organization
  2. Explore the dynamics of conflict and the causes of uncivil workplace behavior
  3. Observe the application of strategies and methods for managing workplace conflict
  4. Introduce participants to skills that can be applied to create constructive dialogue and improve team relationships
Workplace Harassment Prevention and Response
Workplace Harassment Prevention and Response


Employees & Supervisors


1 or 2 hours

Despite receiving increased attention from the media and the courts, harassment remains a consistent problem for employers. Across the United States, harassment complaints are increasing, as are the emotional and financial costs to individuals and organizations. Recent court decisions and federal guidelines make it clear employers should provide harassment (including sexual harassment) training as a part of their commitment to a harassment-free workplace. This session will be customized so learning can take place within the context of the organization’s policies, procedures, and culture.

Course Objectives:

  1. Define different types of harassment, including sexual harassment
  2. Identify how harassment impacts individuals and organizations
  3. Identify protected classes (gender, race, religion, etc.)
  4. Discuss specific examples of harassing behavior and actions that can be taken to create a harassment-free workplace
  5. Determine employee and supervisor responsibility for reporting sexual harassment
  6. Review the organization’s harassment policies and procedures
Diversity Awareness at Work
Diversity Awareness at Work


Employees & Supervisors


1 or 2 hours

Diversity Awareness at Work is a basic introduction to diversity. It is interactive, skill-building, and designed to hold participants’ attention while building confidence in their abilities to interact with diverse populations. This workshop helps identify cultural barriers, aid in understanding and valuing cultural diversity, and helps participants examine how feelings of prejudice develop. Participants gain knowledge of issues faced by minorities and learn how including diversity can improve businesses, communities, and schools.

Course Objectives:

  1. Explore the dynamics of cultural diversity
  2. Define terms and definitions associated with diversity
  3. Identify cultural barriers to working with others
  4. Determine attitudes or behaviors that could result in misunderstandings, which could lead to conflict
  5. Understand and value cultural diversity
  6. Learn to build and maintain working relationships across cultural lines
Drug-Free Workplace
Drug Free Workplace


Managers & Supervisors


1 or 2 hours

Of the 20.4 million adults classified with substance dependence or abuse, 12.3 million (60.4 percent) were employed full-time. Alcohol and other substance use disorders cost U.S. organizations billions of dollars each year in lost productivity, higher absenteeism, and higher rates of turnover. Participants will learn to recognize the warning signs associated with substance use disorders and identify effective interventions. This workshop is intended to fulfill the training requirement under Iowa Code 730.5 for supervisors in organizations conducting drug testing.

Course Objectives:

  1. Provide the knowledge and skills needed for supervisors to fulfill their role in maintaining a drug-free workplace
  2. Understand the extent and impact of alcohol and drug abuse in the workplace
  3. Identify signs and symptoms of drug and alcohol use disorders
  4. Learn how to determine if there is Reasonable Suspicion
  5. Identify a four-step approach for supervisors to follow to create and maintain a drug-free workplace
  6. Learn to recognize and avoid enabling behaviors
Combatting Workplace Stress, Using the 9 Types of Enneagram
Combatting Workplace Stress


All Employees


1 or 2 hours

Stress is a given component of modern life, and workplace stress is on the rise. During COVID, 40% of employees report feeling burnt out and 65% say the stress is impacting their ability to work. This issue has become increasingly important for employers with multiple generations now part of the workforce.


Stressed out employees are bad for profits and morale. Here’s how to use the 9 Lenses of the Enneagram to help your team manage their own stress and perform at their very best.

Course Objectives:

  1. The ROI of Stress Management
  2. Generations in the Workplace
  3. Predictable Stressors of the 9 Types,
    Regardless of Generation
  4. Cultivating Accountable Environments
Leading with your Best Self
Leading with Your Best Self


Managers & Supervisors


1 hour

Effective leaders, especially those who obtain and sustain success, bring their best selves to work. These leaders make good decisions, communicate effectively, and stay focused and energized.

Course Objectives:

  1. Review why it’s important to lead from your best self
  2. Learn how managing stress and reducing self-critical thoughts lead to higher performance
  3. Explore effective approaches and techniques that can lessen stress and improve outlook
  4. Examine how to make the workplace psychologically safe, including how to effectively communicate with team members who are struggling
Communicating in Challenging Situations
Communicating in Challenging Situations


Managers & Supervisors


1 hour

Not all workplace conversations are equal – some are extremely important and charged with emotions. This workshop will help leaders gain knowledge and skills about how to navigate difficult conversations and get solutions while maintaining and building relationships.

Course Objectives:

  1. Review internal alarms and reactions, including what you can do to calm yourself when you are reacting versus responding
  2. Understand how to address difficult situations and challenging personalities
  3. Address how to validate others and seek to understand their viewpoint while maintaining boundaries and expectations
  4. Explore how to find common purpose with others by looking for their underlying needs
Behavioral Health: What Leaders Need to Know
Behavioral Health What Leaders Need To Know


Managers & Supervisors


1 hour

This session will help leaders become more fluent in recognizing and understanding common mental health issues, including their prevalence and how they impact the workplace. Leaders will also learn about why people don’t seek help, how this is changing, and general principles in working with employees who are struggling with mental health issues.

Course Objectives:

  1. Review common mental health disorders
  2. Understand how mental health issues impact the workplace and how leaders can recognize when this is happening
  3. Explore barriers, stigma, and access to services for those living with mental health disorders
  4. Understand general principles on effectively managing mental health workplace issues
The Platinum Rule for Effective Communication
The Platinum Rule for Effective Communication


All Employees


1 or 2 hour

You may already be familiar with The Golden Rule, which states, “Treat others how YOU want to be treated.” While this rule may be effective in certain circumstances, it can actually get in the way of effective personal and team communication.

Course Objectives:

  1. Learn about four unique communication styles
  2. Explore where the four styles naturally connect and where natural communication conflicts can occur
  3. Consider The Platinum Rule For Effective Communication and suggestions for applying this rule to achieve more effective communication outcomes
Crafting Your Future


All Employees


1 or 2 hour

Join our hour-long workshop, “Destiny Blueprint,” where you’ll uncover the secrets of effective vision planning. This hands-on session will empower you to craft your year, aligning your aspirations with actionable steps for personal and professional success.

Course Objectives:

  1. Set intentional goals.
  2. sculpt your vision.
  3. create a personalized roadmap for the upcoming year. 


Student Assistance Program (SAP) & Outpatient Counseling

Maddox*, an elementary-aged student, struggled with anger outbursts, physical aggression, and difficulties with problem-solving. After spending years off-and-on in therapy seeking treatment with various providers only to remark that “none seemed to want to listen,” Maddox’s parents sought SAP services through their district. 

Today, Maddox is completing his SAP sessions and moving towards outpatient counseling. He has reduced his anger outbursts and has learned skills to help him successfully navigate challenging days.

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