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Well Working Workplaces – A Psychological Safe Workplace

Creating a psychologically safe workplace is essential for fostering a positive and productive environment. At EFR, we specialize in promoting psychological safety in the workplace to ensure that all employees feel valued, respected, and secure. Our comprehensive programs and resources help organizations develop strategies that support mental well-being, encourage open communication, and prevent workplace stress. By prioritizing psychological safety in the workplace, businesses can enhance employee engagement, boost morale, and drive overall success. Trust EFR to help you build a well-working workplace where psychological safety is the foundation of your organizational culture.

Take our introductory quiz to assess areas of concern associated with psychological safety in your workplace.

Group of three happy employees
Warehouse workers hold a team meeting

Work’s Connection with Mental and Organizational Health.

EFR’s Well Working Workplaces model is designed to define, assess, and improve psychological safety in the workplace based the work of the US Surgeon General’s Office as well as the World Health Organization. The US Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, states “A healthy workforce is the foundation for thriving organizations and healthier communities” in a report released late in 2022. The report states that employers have a unique opportunity not only to invest in the mental health of their workforce, but also to strengthen their organizations’ success by doing so.

Statistically Speaking


of US Workers in 2021 Surveys reported at least one symptom of a mental health condition, an increase of 17% in just two years.


of workers reported that they will be looking for workplaces that support mental health in future.


of respondents reported at least one workplace factor that had a negative impact on their mental health.

Psychological Safety in the Workplace

While the concept of psychological safety has been around for many years, it was not until recently that workplaces began assessing and measuring its impact. Join Lars Peterson, LISW to

  • Explore the foundations of psychological safety
  • Understand what it is and what it isn’t
  • Learn why it’s a game-changer for business

Plus, Lars will share about EFR’s offering, Well Working Workplaces, and how EFR can partner with your organization to develop a psychologically safe culture.

Well Working Workplaces Program Offerings

Workplace Assessment (No Cost)

Is your worklpace working well? Are your workers well? Do you have a way to measure whether your workplace or workers are well?

EFR developed a survey measurement tool to help you assess the psychological safety of your workplace! The Well Working Workplaces Assessment provides a means to gather input from your employees, analyze this data, and generate recommendations for areas of improvement.

The Workplace Assessment will also provide recommendations for tools that EFR developed to assist you to address gaps in workplace practices, policies and culture to improve the psychological safety of your organization.

Strong psychological safety= Employee job satisfaction=High Retention/Low Turnover=Productivity

Employee and Employer both benefit!

Manager Workshop (Billable)
EFR has developed a workshop for company manager/leaders based on best practices from The US Surgeon General, The Work Health Organization (WHO), and leading experts in the field of psychological safety like Amy Edmondson.

The workshop will integrate management with psychological safety best practices to help your manager/leaders improve how they are handling your people- your most valuable resource.

Manager Coaching (Billable)
Leadership coaching for managers who have participated in the Manager Workshop provides an opportunity for them to put their learning in to action by establishing a customized plan to integrate key take-aways into their daily work. Coaching sessions with trained leadership coaches add a layer of expertise and accountability to ensure managers are maximizing their workshop experience and bringing more psychological safety to your workplace.
Policy and Culture Consultation (Billable)
Company policies and practices create your workplace culture. Do your policies protect psychological safety? Are your practices consistent with your policies? EFR’s Well Working Workplace consultants can help you identify gaps, develop policy or process improvements, and put programs in place to support psychological safety in your workplace.


Needing help is hard to admit, but not getting help is harder. I reached out to EFR and a local counselor was made available, as well as the option to use virtual counseling. My counselor and I strengthened my set of tools that allowed me to continue to function at near peak levels. Rather than being overwhelmed, I have less anxiety and I made progress toward my goals. I am grateful I was able to have a qualified person hear my concerns and point out my successes
EAP Counseling


*Name has been changed to protect privacy


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