Take Care of Your Health Throughout Mental Health Awareness Month!
Throughout this month, embrace the idea of total well-being. While it’s common to separate physical and mental in terms of health, the reality is that they are inherently connected. Our thoughts reside in our brain, and our brain resides within our body, so how we spend our time and how we treat our body impacts our minds. This month, commit to caring for both your physical and mental health! These quick tips, broken up by each day of the week for a fun spin, will help you on your journey toward a happier and healthier you:
Mindful Monday
Take time to get out of your thoughts. When you’re ruminating on the past or trying to predict the future, you miss the opportunity to live in the present. With daily distractions vying for your attention, it takes extra effort to focus your concentration on slowing down and being fully aware – or present – in each moment.
- Observe nature as if you were seeing its beauty for the first time.
- Sit quietly and pay attention to your breath. Focus on the taste, smell, cadence, and sensations to help you stay in the present moment.
- Slowly eat a treat you enjoy, savoring the flavors and textures while taking time to fully experience why you like it.
- Negative thoughts? Write down at least two good things that happened today.
- Take a moment to analyze your body. Sitting still, start from your toes and slowly move up to your forehead, analyzing every feeling or sensation you experience throughout the process.

Strengthen your mind-body connection, improve your focus, and enhance your emotional and physical well-being with guided meditations! You can download the EFR app at no cost for guided meditation practices right at your fingertips.
Good News Tues
Today’s world can be stress-inducing, with bad-news biased headlines persistently barging into your inbox and blaring across your social media feeds. Make an effort to surround yourself with good news to keep you focused and looking ahead.
- Unplug for one hour; don’t let depressing news headlines distract you from the present beauty that is in the world.
- Schedule a future mental health day or mini vacation.
- Make weekend plans to have something to look forward to this week.
- Journal about the positive things that happened today.
- Share something light-hearted on social media to lift up your circle.
Social media can be a convenient way to connect with others, but too much time online disconnects you from your relationships, yourself, and the world around you. Before your cell phone use becomes problematic, take a moment to consider how unplugging benefits your well-being with the Importance of Unplugging tip sheet! You’ll discover the value of becoming more mindful of your screen time habits with tips to help you integrate screen-free time into your daily routine.
Wellness Wednesday
Wellness spans across eight dimensions: emotional, social, physical, spiritual, intellectual, occupational, financial, and environmental. When we are healthy in each of these dimensions, we achieve optimal health.
- Stretch for five minutes to help relieve stress and tension.
- Remember to eat your fruits and vegetables – they provide vital nutrients and help keep you hydrated!
- Compliment someone; it not only makes them feel good, but you, too!
- Prep your lunches for the rest of the week to save some money.
- Sing in the shower to lower stress levels.
Setting yourself up for nutritional success doesn’t need to be time-consuming, complicated, or costly! Dietitian Susie Roberts makes eating healthy easier with tips for packing nutritious lunches and suggestions for snacks to keep on hand so you’re fueled all day long during the webinar What’s for Lunch? Make Fun, Fast, Healthy Meals as Easy as 123!
Thankful Thursday
Take a moment to recognize and be thankful for all the good in your life. Having an attitude of gratitude helps you cultivate joy and contentment by shifting your attention from playing the comparison game or spiraling into negative thoughts.
- Take a moment to be grateful for everything your body can do.
- Go out and complete an errand for a loved one or neighbor.
- Call a friend to thank them for being in your world.
- Give back to your community, and sign up for a volunteer activity.
- Try to forgive; yes, even that guy who cut you off this morning!
What would happen if you took the time to consistently practice gratitude? Dive into the Gratitude Ripple blog to learn about recent scientific research that reveals gratitude’s tangible benefits to you mentally, emotionally, physically, and in building healthy relationships. Plus, receive research-based recommendations for your gratitude practices!
Feel Good Friday
Everyone loves Fridays! Because it signals the end of most work weeks, celebrate by doing something fun in anticipation for the weekend.
- Hug a family member or friend!
- Indulge in a couple pieces of dark chocolate to stress a little less.
- Listen to your favorite song or artist to help you relax.
- Find a reason to smile. Watch a funny video or chat with your co-workers.
- Reduce anxiety and get nostalgic by coloring for 20 minutes.
Have you ever wondered what those percentages on chocolate bars actually mean? Dietitian Susie Roberts reveals the truth in this short, 1-minute explainer video!
Self-Care Saturday
Self-care isn’t selfish; after all, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Refill your cup by intentionally practicing self-care.
- Spend as much time as possible outdoors today!
- Get some extra sleep tonight to feel better and improve your mood.
- Drink lots of water; a hydrated body equals a happy body!
- Go for a walk; let your mind and body wander a little.
- Pamper yourself. Schedule a massage or spa day to refresh your mind and body.
Your body consists of over 37 trillion cells, and each one requires water to function optimally! Drinking more water is one of the easiest and best things you can do to for your health. Explore the blog Why Hydrate and discover the surprising and compelling reasons to make drinking more water a habit. Plus gain tips to sneak in more fluids throughout the day!
Sunday Fun Day
Enjoy some you-time before going back to work – you deserve it! Whether or not it’s something new or something routine, make it something fun!
- Explore your local area and take time to notice new things.
- Do something fun an active, like riding a bike or bowling!
- Express your creativity! Paint, write a poem, or try a new recipe.
- Got housework? Dance while you do it!
- Do something you have always wanted to do, but never had the time.
Are you nature-deficient? Nature is nurturing, and a 2-hour dose of the natural world is all it takes to reap the benefits to your well-being! Tune into the podcast episode Find Your Roots: Exploring Environmental Wellness as environmental advocate Leslie Berckes explores the ways you can interact with nature to boost your cognitive, emotional, and physical well-being.