Home 9 Training Catalog 9 Depressed? Or Just Sad? How to Tell the Difference

Depressed? Or Just Sad? How to Tell the Difference

Audience: Leaders & Employees

Length: 1 hour
Delivery Method: Virtual

Depression affects millions globally, and distinguishing it from sadness is crucial for effective mental health management. Recognize the signs and symptoms across the spectrum, ranging from temporary sadness to major depression. Gain insights to accurately differentiate between these emotional states and identify effective support strategies and treatment options. Equip yourself with the tools to recognize and respond to depression effectively— for yourself and others.

Course Objectives:

  • Learn to recognize the clinical signs and symptoms of depression.
  • Explore the various levels of severity and persistency of sadness and depression, understanding when intervention is needed.
  • Gain knowledge about common treatment options for managing depression.
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