How We Help
of adults will experience a mental illness in their lifetime
1 in 5
of those will also experience a substance abuse disorder
of those needing mental health treatment don’t get help
Programs at EFR

Substance Abuse Services (SAS)

Student Assistance Program (SAP)
We want students to succeed. Students grapple with all kinds of pressures and struggles, both at home and at school. These struggles can severely impact their behavior and academic achievement. No matter the problem or issue you or your child is experiencing, EFR is here to provide 24/7 assistance.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Our national, full-service EAP supports employee wellbeing by providing quality resources for a variety of issues that may be challenging employees. Our national network of providers ensures quality assistance, no matter your geographic location.

Prevention Services
Our dedicated Prevention Team serves four counties in central Iowa. Our prevention specialists educate, provide resources for, and engage with our local community to create healthier, safer, and more-informed environments.

Counseling Services
Our Counseling program can help you through life’s challenges. No matter who you are or what you’re going through, you can receive judgement-free and confidential counseling with masters-level counselors at EFR. We’re here to help.
Our Employee Assistance Program is the right thing to do for your employees and for your business.